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Blogger | Add Google Analytics and See Real-Time Traffic Data

Today, I will tell you how you can add Google Analytics to your blog post created on the Blogger site. In this post, I'll show you how to include Global Site Tag (gtag.js) in your blog's header section. For properly adding Google Analytics to your site, keep reading.


Google Analytics is a powerful tool for collecting data related to your website, and more importantly, it is freely available. With the help of this tool, you can create content that is perfect for your visitors and increase your website traffic. It also helps you understand what content is driving traffic to your site. Moreover, it is from Google, so you can rest assured about your data's safety. Below is a graph showing Google Analytics data: 


Here are the steps you need to take to add Google Analytics to your website:

Steps to add Google Analytics to Blogger

Step 1:- Create a Google Analytics account and open it.

Making a Google Analytics account is easy. If you have a Gmail account, then all you need to do is visit the website of Google Analytics, and you will get automatically logged in. But if you are using another mail service, then when you visit the Google Analytics site, it will show you a "Login" page. Here you can click on the "create account" option.

Step 2:- Go to the "ADMIN" section.

On the Google Analytics website's bottom left corner, you will see a setting icon named "Admin." Click on it to access the admin section of Google Analytics.

Step 3:- If you haven't created a "Data Stream," follow the following points. Else you can go to the next step.

  • Click on "Data Streams"


  • Click on "Add stream" and select the "Web" option in the dropdown menu.


  • Write your website URL in the "Website URL" box., for example.


  • Write the name of your stream in the "Stream name" box.

    You can write your site name in this box, for example: Enghindiblogs.

  • Click on "Create Stream"

Step 4:- Click on your stream and go to "Tagging Instructions"

Step 5:- Click on "Global Site Tag (gtag.js)" and copy the code.


Step 6:- Open your blog in Blogger and go to "Theme"

Step 7:- Click on the "Down Arrow" beside the "Customize" button.


Step 8:- Click on the "Edit HTML" option.


Step 9:- Paste your "Global site tag" in the head tag and click on the "Save" option.

Now you can paste the "gtag" inside the head tag of your blog. You can paste it inside the head tag at the beginning. In the top right corner, you will find the save option. Just click on it, and your blog's HTML code will get updated. Now go back to the Google Analytics website for the next and last step.

Step 10:- Refresh your Google Analytics page and go to "Reports"

That's it. Now your site is connected to Google Analytics. For some websites, it may take up to 24 hours for data to show up on Google Analytics, so be patient. If you have any questions, let me know in the comments.


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