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5xx Error | Server Error in Google Search Console Sloution

In this post, I am going to tell you what Search console server error(5xx) is and how you can resolve it, So that you can index your blog or website on Google and expand your website's reach all over the globe. So without further ado, let's get started.

What is a server error (5xx)?

Let's first understand what the server error means. The server error usually starts with a number 5, like 500, 503, etc. The server error means that the server couldn't fulfil the request because it encountered an unexpected condition. Server errors usually come from the server on which our website is hosted. In our case, it is Blogger.

Why is Google Search Console giving a 5xx error?

If Google Search Console is giving a 5xx error, it means that the Googlebot couldn't access your URL, the request timed out, or your site was busy. The Googlebot was forced to abandon the crawling request. You didn't do anything wrong with it. It was a fault on the server side of the Blogger site.

How to Fix the Server Error (5xx)

You can see the points below to solve the Search Console Server Error (5xx):

1. Make sure that your internet connection is stable.

2. Check if you made a typing error in the URL.

3. Verify that you have enabled search engines to find your blog.

You can check if you enabled the search engines to find your blog by doing the following:-
Go to your blog > Settings > Privacy > Visible to search engines.
If it is "on", then you don't need to do anything.

If even after following the above points, your problem isn't solved, then you should wait for a day or two. I faced this problem as well when I was indexing my Blogger site at Google. I searched for the solution to this problem on the Internet but did not find anything. So I stopped my work and went to sleep. The next morning, when I again ran the "live test" in the Google search console, the error was gone. So I would advise you to try again in a day or two, because it is not a problem that you can solve on your own.

If you have any questions, you can ask me in the comments.


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