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Android Apps With 5B+ Downloads on Playstore - enghindiblogs

The Playstore has a massive collection of apps available for download. In this post, we'll look at some apps that have surpassed the 5 billion downloads on Google Playstore. So keep reading.


Here is the list of android apps that crossed the 5 Billion download mark on Play Store.

Google App


About this app-

We use google daily, either we use it to find a answer to a question or to watch movies for entertainment, it has wide range of uses. The more people use google, the more its algorithm keeps improving. It provide you most relavent result for your search from billions of websites. Here are some of its uses:

  • For finding nearby shops and restaurants
  • You can see live score and schedule of your favourite sports
  • You can watch movies online
  • You can search for Videos and images
  • News, stock info, and more

Google Photos | Photos


About this app-

Google photos is a great way for you to store your precious memories in your google account. You can access your photos from any device and anywhere in the world, you just need an internet connection and your gmail account. This app also lets you to download your photos.

Google Drive | Drive


About this app-

Store, access and share securely with google drive. It is a part of google workspace.This app lets you create back-up of your photos, videos , pdfs, and more in your Google Account storage. So that even if you accidentlly deleted your files, They still can be downloaded from Google Drive.It is a great way to store your documents online securely.

Google Maps | Maps


About this app-

This app can be used for finding Locations you have never been to. With the help of this app you can find your destination faster and easier. It has a database of over 220 countries and territories mapped. You can find hundreds of millions of businesses and places on the map. Get real-time GPS navigation, traffic, and transit info.

Google Chrome Browser


About this app-

Google Chrome is a web browser made by Google. It is Fast, simple, and secure. This app is used to browse Internet. It is one of the best Internet browser out there. You can also save your passwords in this browser safely in your google account.

WhatsApp Messenger


About this app-

WhatsApp from Facebook is a free messaging and video calling app.It's simple, reliable and private. It has end-to-end encryption, So only sender and receiver know the contents of the message and calls. You can form groups of people. Each group has a limit of 256 peoples. After the latest update voice calls now support up to 32 peoples.

Facebook App


About this app-

Facebook is a social media app, You can find friends, watch live videos, play games and save photos in your social network in this app. It connects you with the whole world. You can promote your brand, website, shop, and business on this app by making a page on it.

Android Accessibility Suite


About this app-

Android Accessibility Suite is a collection of accessibility apps that help you use your Android device eyes-free or with a switch device.It includes TalkBack, Accessibility Menu and more.

Gmail | Google Mail


About this app-

Gmail is an easy to use email app by Google that saves you time and keeps your messages safe. You can get your messages instantly via push notifications. It has read and respond feature in both online and offline mode. It comes with 15GB free online storage. If you want more storage then you can also increase it by paying. Gmail API is also usefull for websites to notify their user about new post or some service by email.

YouTube App


About this app-

Who doesn't know about YouTube. It has over 10 Billion downloads on Playstore. In this app you can watch videos with the help of channels. It also provide music service. You can also create a channel on it and earn mony when your subscriber reach 1K and your video's "watch time" is over 4000h.

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