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Solved | Google Forms Section or Page Redirect error

Today I am going to talk about the topic "Google Forms Section or Page Redirect error", a problem you might have faced when submitting a Google form. When you click on the 'Next' button, the form does not go to the submit page but gets redirected to the first or second page. So let's find a solution to this problem together.

In today's time, almost everyone is using Google Forms for a number of reasons, be it for creating student exams or collecting some data from people. It is used everywhere. So, sometimes we also face some problems while using Google Forms. In this article I am going to talk about the solution to the Google Forms submit problem, also known as the redirect error. While creating Google Forms, sometimes we have to create "sections" and here, sometimes our Google form does not go to the "submit" page but instead gets redirected to some other page. Below are some steps you can follow to solve your problem:

Step 1: Go to the EDIT section

In this step, go to the Google Forms website or App (whichever you prefer) and open the form in which you are facing the problem. Make sure you are in the edit mode, which means where you can edit your Google form and make changes to it. By default, when you open the form, it will be in edit mode, but just make sure that it is. Now we are ready for the next step.

Step 2: Click on "After Section" option

Click on the "After Section" option, which is available at the end of every section. Now that we have opened our form, we can start fixing our redirect problem. At the end of every "section", there is an "After Section" option which tells Google Forms where to go when someone clicks on the "Next" button in a Google Form. Just click on it.

Step 3: Select "Continue to next section" option

After step 2, you can see some options beside the "After Section" option. Here you can select the "Continue to next section" option. You can also select the option "Go to Section 2" if you are on Section 1 and "Go to Section 3" if you are on Section 2. Make sure that you don't select the same number as the section for the "Go to section" option. For example, if you are on Section 1, then you should not select the "Go to Section 1" option. It will create a loop and when you click on the "Next" button, instead of taking you to the submit page, it will take you to Section 1. For reference, you can see the figure below.

Your "Google Form submit problem" should have been resolved by following the above three steps. Now, if you go to your Google Form link and fill out the form, then you should be able to go to the Submit page and submit your form. If you face any issues, do let me know in the comments. If you want more posts like this, you can contact me via mail or comments. Thanks for reading this far.


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